About Us

Gulf Asian Medical Center

We foster your health, because your life matters

Gulf Asian Medical Center is a distinguished healthcare facility located in the heart of Jubail, Saudi Arabia. It is affiliated to Badr Al-Samaa Group of Hospitals & Poly Clinics, which is one of leading healthcare providers in the GCC region.

Our medical center is widely recognized for its excellence in delivering comprehensive care across multiple specialties. With the guidance of our experienced and highly skilled medical team, we offer a diverse range of medical services tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients.

At Gulf Asian Medical Center, we use the state-of-art laboratory and radiology, which are meticulously calibrated to uphold the highest standards of quality control in accordance with global benchmarks. Furthermore, our well-stocked pharmacy is staffed by experienced pharmacists, ensuring prompt and reliable service.

We have optimized our center to provide exceptional patient care that combines affordability with uncompromising quality. With a commitment to deliver outstanding healthcare services, Gulf Asian Medical Center remains at the forefront of medical excellence in the region.

Mission - "Delivering Exceptional Health Care Through Advanced Technology With Highly Qualified Staff, Fostering Trust-Based Relationships."
Vision - "Affordable High Quality Health Care For All"

We Provide You

The best service, you need

We believe the heart of healthcare is service to others. Therefore we are right here where care comes first and where you need us.

Speciality Clinics
Ambulance Facility
Emergency Services